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Political Islam Conquers

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fender62 | 21:05 Thu 01st Aug 2024 | History
15 Answers

i woner if any of it is relivant to the uk and europe today, its long read but interesting.



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typo wonder


Well duh! Stating the breeding obvious or what?

It's a popular pastime and the women have little or no say in any of it.

See also any religious country where The Word is law.

That'll bore people.


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Clone, good brief synopsis.

Of course it's relevant, it's happening here now and has been for over 40 years. Imams have told me, quite simply, that 'We will outbreed you'. 

They pratice from a very young age.

Well, the girls do.

For it is written.

It's apparently what can happen when inadequate governments let sufficient invasion to occur, that then becomes difficult to control in any moral manner. The suggestion seems to be that a potential civil war may be in the offing when that occurs. It implies an inevitable (?) return to the bad old days when borders can not afford to be respected if one intends taking one's country back by force. It's pretty much dynamite information. It's a wonder sites allow it in today's woke society. Ought it not be censored and banned for security reasons ?

The western world is sleepwalking into its own destruction.

Especially when SKS simply cant read the room.

I fear an out and out physical battle at some point.  Not going to good for any of us.

Like many, Starmer cares more about maintaining a facade of harmonious social integration than acknowledging the truth.  Ultimately none of them will have the luxury of choice. 

He had a perfect opportunity to calm things but what does the idiot do? Fans the flames.

Well one things for sure his father was a good tool maker the evidence is right there.

This may be selfish but I'm glad I'm old enough not to see it happen. The country that I grew up in, loved and served will be unrecognisable in a few years time. The islamic faith is adept at waiting, it might happen in the next five years or the next thousand, they don't mind but have no doubt, it will happen. The UK and probably the rest of Europe will be islamic. 

You're so right, Vulcan.  They can and will wait.

I think Islamification will happen throughout Western Europe but the UK has a head start with the influx of Asians in the 60s & 70s particularly.

Accidentally clicked onto this post.  Last answer was on 2/8/24.  Given the recent troubles over immigration - it is prophetic.

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