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On This Day In 1819 .....

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Canary42 | 19:24 Fri 16th Aug 2024 | History
5 Answers

..... troops broke up a protest meeting seeking Parliamentary reforms, on St Peter's Field in Manchester. It became known as the Peterloo Massacre after 11 people died.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose



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Nothing will change until we eradicate those humans who believe that such actions are justifiable.

Humans need to change and realise that we are all different with different beliefs, we should learn to compromise, coexist and become civilised.


Nowadays the compensation bill would be mind blowing

name a few recent political riots in England

.......I'm waiting - oh the one where they torched a library - or stole cakes from Greggs?

The 1819 event was incredibly badly written up. Guardian was 1821. Most inquests were over by seven days. Many on the next day or 2 days.

The play where a lawyer is hired for the deceased ( he doesnt do much at the inquest) It turns out he is paid by the mill owner. I think that is fiction.

Coroner certifies deaths such as " death from sabre slashes"

this says the article is peterloo-y, but isnt. More Manchester Guardian 1820-1900

I think it takes three days for London correspondents to get up there

and by that time  ( no fridges) everything is done and dusted

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