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canary island

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moyamick | 18:52 Tue 17th Oct 2006 | Destinations
5 Answers
the canary island are named after which creatures.


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Isles Canaris (Dogs in Latin[I think]), but definately dogs.
Definately dogs.
I lived there for 3 years and never saw a canary. I'm gonna move to the Virgin Islands now...
This was on QI (Stephen Fry etc) on TV last week.

The whole of one QI was about Dogs.
Definitely dogs
Yep - the Canary Islands are named after dogs (Latin Canis). Apparently, the early Spanish explorers found huge numbers of dogs on the islands when they arrived. They had been taken there by the Guanche people who settled the islands from North Africa about the time of Christ. I know the yellow birds are named after the islands.

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