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World War 2

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Jacob | 22:25 Tue 19th Aug 2003 | History
5 Answers
Woi exactly did the Japanese bomb Poole 'Arbour? What had Dorzet ever done to them?


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They were going through a pseudo socialist phase (a bit like T.Blair years ago) and they wanted to bomb the Sunseeker boatyard so that bikini clad (it's never bikini wearing, always bikini clad) millionaires' girlfriends/wives would have nothing to strectch out on the deck of. Hollywood then did its usual revisionist thing when making the film & moved the action to the more photogenic Hawaii.
Dorset is full of swivel-eyed, foaming-at-the-mouth, red-necked reactionary country bumpkins instead of us normal people in London.
Is it indeed?
World War III here we come! I believe it was because they were pi$$ed off with the Germans getting there first with their towels in all the best spots
Are you with us Jacob?

The combined regiments of the Somerset and Dorset 7th armoured Tractor Brigade, and the Kings Own Royal Combine Harvesters (with the Dorset Aqualung leading the charge, I thought) should soon have these interlopers on the run!!

"We shall fight them on the M4 - we shall fight them at Peckham - we shall fight them .......

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