I was homeless at age 15, moved into a hostel aged 16, moved in with a mate at 17, moved city at 18 to go to college and rented somewhere, got made homeless again before last exam, got a flat and started uni at 19, made homeless again at 20 for arrears in rent due to tower block being a nesting area for smack heads who tried to get their claws into me, spent 2 weeks on streets then got in another hostel, hostelled it for year and a half. Been in secure employment for government for 2 and a half years and am now renting a beautiful penthouse apartment over 2 floors with a balcony with views of Corstorphine hill and fife in the distance with another 2 part time paid jobs and 4 voluntary jobs I would say I have got my life well and truely sorted out considering at 21 I'd been homeless for 1/6th of my life!