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19 December

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Firiffic | 10:36 Fri 03rd Aug 2007 | History
4 Answers
Does anyone know of an event that occurred on the above date probably in the 1700s? There is a Scottish Country dance called The Nineteenth of December and was first danced in 1754. We would love to know the significance of the date if there is one.


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In 1745 the army of theJacobite Rebellion marched into England (as far as Derby) after success at the battle of Prestonpans; they were however forced to turn back, and crossed back into Scotland on the 19th December.
Er, Mushroom, nobody forced them to turn back!
perhaps "forced" was too strong a word - but by early december their army was depleted by desertions, the armies of Wade & Cumberland were closing in and promised support from English tories did not materialise. Under the circumstances their options were limited; they turned to join the growing Jacobite force back in Scotland.
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Thank you so much! There is another dance called 21st September which we believe we have traced to the Battle of Prestonpans so that was fascinating.

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19 December

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