I have heard that in a certain country (I can't remember which one?) it is illegal to take a lion into a cinema! Why do they have these laws if they probably know that nobody would do that anyway!
In Chester, England .. You can only shoot a Welsh person with a bow and arrow inside the city walls and after midnight.
and in Scotland .. It is illegal to be a drunk in possession of a cow
Maybe someone tried it once so they had to make up a law against it :p
They normally come about when in the past in a single incident somebody actually does it. So maybe once somebody did take their pet lion to the cinema, they got arrested but they couldn't charge them as there was no law effectively stopping you from taking the lion into the cinema so they create a law.
This probably means that it's ok to take a tiger into a cinema, and also its ok to take a lion into a post office. If someone can name the country, I'll try both those things and let you all know if I get arrested.
I think anywhere in the UK it's illegal to be in charge of any animal on the public road while drunk.
The earliest drink-driving laws forbade being "drunk or asleep" while driving horses or oxen. The asleep bit is so the driver can avoid traffic coming the other way -- the animals would often find the way fine on their own.