Security Light in The AnswerBank: DIY
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Security Light

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derekpara | 20:58 Mon 11th Apr 2022 | DIY
5 Answers
Will an exterior security light with attached movement sensor work inside an enclosed glass porch ?
In other words will the sensor detect outside movement ?

Cheers. D
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does this help ...... https://www.alarmgrid.com/faq/do-alarm-motion-sensors-work-through-glass#:~:text=No%2C%20alarm%20motion%20sensors%20do,not%20easily%20detected%20through%20glass.
21:00 Mon 11th Apr 2022
Very unlikely, the sensors detect body movement from the infra-red given off; glass is a very good absorber of infra-red.
My neighbour, directly across the street from me, has a security light over her garage door that has it's sensor pointing towards my front door (which has frosted glass in it). Whenever I move inside my front door, that security light turns on!

So, if a beam can 'see through' frosted glass on the opposite side of a street, I reckon that there's a reasonably good chance that one could similarly penetrate plain glass that's a lot nearer to it.

This link examines your question in more detail though:
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Thanks to you all.
I have in mind a security light only, not a camera system, and I wanted one that switched on only when actvivated by sensor rather than a basic interior porch light that I leave on all night, which I have now. (Trying to save on elec bills !)
If you use LED bulbs one wonders how much you will save from the sensor. Good luck with it anyway; if it doesn't detect you can always retrofit it outside.

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