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how do you unblock a toilet

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gerry1506 | 22:14 Sun 03rd Dec 2006 | How it Works
4 Answers
how do you unblock a toilet
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All depends where the blockage is. First try a good toilet plunger not a sink one !!! or try using a mop head vigoursley up and down if you havent got a plunger. Or bail it out if it is overflowing and then poor a bucket full of water down it from a height. If that fails you may have to open up the soil pipe rodding eye if there is one and either rod it out or jet it out. Good luck.
Put your hand down there and push all the sh1t down.
They have videos on how to do just about anything useful.
Its under DIY,plumbing.
Try and teach your wife and kids not to use so much paper to avoid blocking it.

If you manage to please let me know how because I can't.

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how do you unblock a toilet

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