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Are You A Genius ?

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ON THE ROAD | 23:53 Mon 12th Jan 2009 | TV
5 Answers
You will be....... if you can answer any of these questions from the Northern Echo quiz !!!!! Please Help.. Desperate
1 Which film star was once given the freedom of every toy shop in Tokyo ?
2 Sisters Jacqui and Louise Chantrel formed the backing band of which female singer ?
3 Which couple in the North East live at 28 Acacia Avenue? presumably someone we have heard of possibly fictional, cartoons, song lyric, folklore etc etc
4 Photo 10 in the North East section (scroll down)
These two look like part of a rock group... or its a clip from a film or from tv
(The link doesn't seem to be working so just key northern echo superbrain quiz 2008 and that should bring it up or access via the newspaper's site map
Many many thanks


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1) Shirley Temple
3)Andy and Florie Capp?
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Thanks Everhelpful , I think Andy and Flo live at 27 Durham Road, but Shirley Temple has already come up as an answer to this question and I have not been able to confirm it one way or the other . Do you mind if I ask if you have specific info, Many Thanks
Sorry,No,I'm a Geordie,just an educated guess.I Googled Acacia Avenue and there seems to be loads around the Country but,none up here.
The Acacia Avenue is Mr & Mrs Jones - it's the fictitious name and address the Land Registry uses to demonstrate its documents
Question Author
Thank you both... Ethel.. I had seen the land registry info before, but what bothers me is why it's specifically in the north east section of the quiz ,when preumably it applies across the country ?and Everhelpful as a fellow Geordie can you think of a place name in the North East that would help identify picture10 (in the North East section) and thereby reverse the question/answer logic, because I am going mad trying to identify it. Thanks again

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Are You A Genius ?

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