Crosswords26 mins ago
Hello! We’re moving to a house with a smallish garden and I’d really like to grow some veg and some flowers. However the move has been put back quite a bit and my plans for bulbs etc won’t work so...
Through personal experience, can anyone recommend a variety of the above?
I have a young weasel in my courtyard, despite no food to attract it. Is there any kind of trap I can entice it into so it can be freed in the countryside? Or any other suggestions? Thankyou
Hi green fingered ABers out there.
When is the best time to prune these plants
Rose trees
Peony foliage
Gladioli foliage
Many thanks in advance,
I have a cordless electric lawn mower, which was working fine when I put it away last time I used it. this time however, the forward speed was running way too high and the speed adjustment leaver...
My forsythia is 10months old, as well as shorter shoots towards the base it has four shoots about 3' long, can I trim them back to match the other growth?
Well I hope I am not speaking too soon but its turning out really well. I have replanted it and now water just once a week but have included a citrus plant supplement - so now I feel I can ask if...
If you go to the BBC website and call up an edition of the 2200 news (usually), there is a station ident before the programme starts, which has a series of panels showing coffee cups being filled with...
I have a hardy fuchsia that is too big for it’s allotted space even though it’s cut right down every every year, I would like to dig it up, split it in half, replant half in the same place and the...
I am having a devil of a job killing off the stumps and roots of a fennel/dill plant in my garden... no weed killer I have used so far go anywhere near. Any suggestions please ..... many thanks, chox
I recently bought a lime tree plant for my conservatory . I have repotted it into a larger pot and now have some more leaves budding (I was worried it may not survive the posting and repotting). It’s...
My Cordiline had two "flowers" this year, now they are over should I cut them off or leave them?...
We have had an estimate of £1200 for the above. Any comments?...
I wish to transplant a dwarf fir tree which is about 3 ft high and 1 1/2 ft wide. It has been in the same spot for about 8-10 years. Is it worth taking a chance. Any info. would be most helpful. Many...
Is it ok to use liquid tomato feed on other plants?
A few weeks back I sowed an area of the garden with a "seed mix of cottage garden flowers". Its been interesting watching the different flowers unfold over the weeks but there's one I just cant put my...
I'm growing these for the first time and have lots coming, should I cut back some of the leaves to let the sun get to them?
I'm wondering if cat litter would be a good medium for growing grass? I have no access to soil, since the landlords dug up our front garden and laid a sterile concrete slab for no obvious reason. The...
Most of my leaf beet has bolted. Is it edible or should I start again?
I planted seeds indoors at least 3 weeks ago,given them the care give all seeds but nothing is through yet,do they take longer than usual ?