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maggie01 | 16:37 Fri 06th Apr 2012 | Gardening
3 Answers
I have had a poinsetia for 2yrs. I tried to bring it back to the red leaves last year putting it in the dark for several hours but it didn't work.
As it wasn't dead, I couldn't bring myself to throw it away but I notice now that the new leaves are coming through red without doing anything with it.
Any ideas why?


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This might help - it needs to be in bright light, not in the dark! http://www.poinsettia...ettia-care-basictips/
Poinsettias are a short day length plant which means that they require a period of short days (or long nights) to initiate flowering. As you plant has naturally gone through a winter which has shorter days it will have initiated the red bracts to develope. To get you poinsettia to flower in time for Xmas you need to do this artificially in the Autumn to force it into colour for December. This means cutting it back hard and starting again now.
Mine's doing the same maggie. Very odd as I've kept it as a lush green pot plant since 2 Xmas' ago. I never really understand why they need all this fuss with putting them in the dark etc to make them red again - I saw them growing wild in flower all over Tenerife and they don't have a short day/winter as such.

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