I am trying to grow some dwarf runner beans in pots. They seem to be going quite well but the first leaves that appeared are now falling off. Is it normal for them to lose those leaves once they get going or am I doing something wrong
i grow runner beans ave dne 4 a number of yrs now i also lose sum leaves but up 2 yet has never affected the plants or beans so i wudnt b 2 worried at this time also dnt 4get 2 feed ur plants now if u avnt been doing i just use tomato feed and neva gne wrong with it yet even tho bean plants like a lot of water just dnt ova water and make sure ur canes r secure and enjoy growing happy gardening x
They are in the sunshine and watered regularly. Only the 2 leaves that
they started with are dropping off . They are a slightly different shape
to the other ones. I wondered if the plant abandons them once it gets
a decent number of it's proper leaves or if this bods ill for their health
thank you for that boxtops yes i am posting from my phone and didnt realise it did that so im glad that you have pointed it out to me much appreciated x
interele you seem to be doing everything right so i wouldnt worry to much ive been growing my own for the past 8 years with a lot of good yield and the occassional fatality lol i just think you learn from any mistakes and can only improve the next year and so on it also about enjoying the growing process and noing that yu have produced what ever it is you are growing at the time and having fun as well i get my grandchildren involved and they love it x boxtops many thanks again x