Crosswords1 min ago
1 Answers
can anyone suggest a flower that rabbits wont eat,i take flowers to the crematorium at first I took sweet Williams, they didn't touch them,i then took carnations they ate every flower,they ate the chrysanths this week, any suggestions apart from artificial and necking the rabbit.
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No best answer has yet been selected by peg131. Once a best answer has been selected, it will be shown here.
For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.Quote:
"For what it's worth, here are annuals that usually don't get eaten by animals, both in my yard and from what I've heard from other gardeners: alyssum, angelonia, blue salvia, browallia, celosia, coleus, euphorbia, geranium, lantana, heliotrope, marigolds (occasionally rabbits), mecardonia, melampodium, nicotiana, pentas, New Guinea impatiens, vinca, calibrachoa and zinnia"
http:// nnlive. com/gar dening/ 2014/08 /any_an nual_fl owers_t he_anim als.htm l
Longer list here:
http:// www.big blogofg ardenin lowers- shrubs- herbs-t rees-th at-rabb its-and -deer-w ont-eat /
"For what it's worth, here are annuals that usually don't get eaten by animals, both in my yard and from what I've heard from other gardeners: alyssum, angelonia, blue salvia, browallia, celosia, coleus, euphorbia, geranium, lantana, heliotrope, marigolds (occasionally rabbits), mecardonia, melampodium, nicotiana, pentas, New Guinea impatiens, vinca, calibrachoa and zinnia"
Longer list here: