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Patsy33 | 10:57 Tue 07th Jun 2016 | Gardening
21 Answers
How can I protect my new kidney beans from slugs eating them? I don't really want to use slug pellets. Is their a natural solution?? Tia


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barbed wire around them?
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That's a bit dramatic Janbee!
beer traps seem to help
Not as humane as you may want but just squish a few slugs near to your beans and the others will feast on them before they choose your plants.
I cut my slugs with secateurs to open them up.
Try it.
I use beer traps, but Who has a point, there's nothing a slug likes better to dine on than a dead slug.
Crushed eggshells??
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Do the crushed egg shells act as a deterrent? How do I make beer trap? Tia
They won't crawl over crushed eggshells Patsy. My Mum has tried this and it worked for her.
Crushed eggshells work; coffee grounds; salt.

I use oyster grit seeing as I have a huge bag of the stuff. My chicken also does her bit to erradicate them (unfortunately, she eats most of the plants too).
google 12 easy tips to get rid of slugs .
I know you don't want to use slug pellets but a useful piece of advice picked up GQT was to put a sprinkling of pellets underneath a propped up slate away from tender plants. Apparently the slugs are attracted to the pellets and this method keeps them away from your young, tender, precious plants and isn't a problem for pets and wildlife.

Egg shells are good and if you have a local Waitrose you can get free coffee grounds.

Barmaid, just one chook left? Do you want a broody and bad tempered tempered companion for her?
lol Eccles - then I'd have 2 broody and bad tempered hooligans..........
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Than you everyone. Might try crushed egg shells first.
Is that a no Barmaid? When in top form she knocks out some cracking double yokers!

I feel for you Patsy my Hostas are being demolished by the damn things.
I've found that spent coffee grounds the most effective so far. The caffeine is apparently toxic to them.
All I did was search to see how small one had to crush them.

Would hate cutting a live creature into two.

I was given a few beer traps, they didn't work, and THEN I discovered you are supposed to dig a hole and put them in the ground ! Blow that.

I don;t have coffee grounds as I rarely have time to make the real McCoy. I have bags of beans I've yet to open and which have probably lost their flavour.

I have no fowl.

I may check out Eddie's suggestion, but FWIW QVC was pushing some expensive organic pellets this morning.
A circle of copper coins keeps them away, they don't like copper for some reason
Love the idea of copper coins, I have lots of old ones so will try around my verbena which are suffering drastically! Please everyone put up your results with the various remedies supplied, most of us are suffering. I want to try the coffee grounds theory but as yet have not managed to get any (we don't drink it), but can you use instant coffee to get the same result? Anyone tried? I have an old jar in cupboard ! (it was for occasional visitor)
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Thanks everyone. Spoilt for choice! I will let you know......

First it was "so much for the eggshells", and now the beer.

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