my annabel hydrangeas gave a lovely display last year, but this year there is no indication of any flowers coming through the last 6 inches of branches have shrivelled leaves which are turning brown. What should I do?
I think, what I'd do is prune out all the dead wood, back to just above live wood. Sometimes this can cause them to rejuvenate them.
Like me, its probably affected by the intense heat :-)
thank you for all your suggestions. i'm afraid I might have misrepresented the problem slightly. Sorry! On looking at the plants again (there are 2) the leaves are mottled yellow but only on the top few inches of the branch. My gut feeling is that I should take off all the ends of the branches affected and see if all is well after that. There are other hydrangeas in close vicinity which are unaffected. I thought it might be a disease which only affects Annabelle.