I have bought myself a walk in plastic greenhouse to try out before making the investment in a glass greenhouse.
Anyway, any hints and tips about when to start growing in it? I am assuming February as some of the seeds say February onwards, but would that be in a heated greenhouse? This is obviously unheated as it’s only plastic.
Thank you for any advice
Most seeds that need to be started early need to be either indoors (a heat pad or propagator is useful here) or in a heated greenhouse. You will find that your plastic greenhouse will become useful in the spring when it can be used to protect early grown plants from frost, and then in the summer when it can be used for veg that grow better under glass, e.g. tomatoes, peppers and chillis. I have a plastic greenhouse but at this time of year it is empty.
For example, under 'Cauliflower' it says "The main sowing period is March to May, although early crops can be achieved by sowing under glass in January/February or sowing cultivars in the autumn in a glasshouse or coldframe". Similar information, which should help to answer your question, can be found within the links for other vegetables too.
With the frosty minus weather we’re having now, I wouldn’t contemplate sowing under plastic. Even if the seed packet gives that advise. A unheated window sill somewhere if that’s possible.
I start all my seeds on a windowsill in the house. I don't put things in my greenhouse until April but we are 600 ft above sea level in the NE of UK. I have bought a heated propagator off Amazon to start some seeds off and it looks really good
Garland Fab 4 Electric Heated Propagator, Green, 39x25x16 cm
You could try extending the growing season by planting veg seeds directly where you want them to grow, by using some cloches.
Obviously removing the cloches once the plants have established themselves and the weather has improved.
Buying potatoes for chitting is always the start of my gardening season. Nothing else goes on much before mid March when they and the root veg seeds go straight into the ground. my plastic greenhouse really comes into its own once I start the tender plants in April and May.
Bok Choi seeds are very easy to start on a windowsill and will grow on in a cold greenhouse or in larger pots in the house. They prefer colder weather, and you can get some good baby crops at the beginning of march. I've tried growing them later but they tend to go to seed as soon as the temperature rises above 15c. You can wrap pots in bubble wrap in a cold greenhouse -do not cover the actual pant -I have 6 large artichokes in pots in the greenhouse at the moment which will get planted out beginning of April.
This is the best place to get info:
Thanks I did my planting plan last night using the square footage program.
I will have to find interesting ways of preserving because I could end up with a complete glut.
Can confirm what APG says about Pak or Bok Choi.. dont bother waiting till it gets warm for sewing. It will go to seed. Much better to grow either side of the summer. Early Spring or Autumn is best. I am still growing Pak Choi in my Poly Tunnel along with spring onions and kale. This was what I collected on Boxing Day, New potatoes, Spring onions, Beetroot, and Pak Choi.. a fresh winter salad !
Fennel is another one not to forget that prefers the colder months.