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Don't Half Feel Rough

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nailedit | 05:31 Fri 20th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
15 Answers

Despite been given a shed load of valium yesterday, I've hardly slept.




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Hit 'em up for a truck load old mate.

Sleep is an important part of your therapy.

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Not entirely unexpected ozzy. Feel carp just the same.

Just made a cup of tea and spilt half of it because I'm shaking that much. Another 3 hours yet for meds.


Hang in there.πŸ‘

Could possibly be worth it in the long run!

Well done - you're there, you've got thru the night and you're now there ready to face the day. Just look on this as positive - you are gona do this and you're gona come out the other side feeling so so glad that you did x

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I will Smow.

Just had a hot bath and they given me a 10 mil diazipam so feel a little better. πŸ™ƒ

That's good, mate, that stuff works wonders on with the rest and you know you can do it, and it WILL be worth it πŸ€—πŸ¨

So far, so awful , but you've reached Day 2 πŸ˜ƒ

Do you have distractions, other than your phone like books , tele etc to help keep you distracted? 

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Yeah got a TV in my room but flicking through the garbage that's on it only confirms my decision to have binned mine years ago..... 


You hardly slept and felt rough after a session, so you can cope with this

Gotta love free TV Nails, years ago I watched some absolute trash about ambulance call outs in a pommy place called Stoke, well, root me sideways😏

You now have a second or possible a third chance to become the person you would like to be.

Don't *** it up against the wall.

Make a choice, your own choice.


Or maybe a fourth, sorry old mate, I've lost count, but it's up to you nowπŸ‘

Think the expression one day at a time is meant for this situation. Keep going strong 

Keep on keeping on Nailedit, a day at a time, or even an hour.
Well done so far :)

Well done nailedit, you got there, you survived the night, things will get easier. Keep going, you can do it. Best wishes and good luck

Well done chum. Why don't you keep a diary of your present suffering to refer back to next time you're teetering on the edge of the wagon which will hopefully convince you to stay aboard.

Good luck, alcohol addiction is a real bug ger.

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