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Lee Anderson Reform Speech Rousing

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fender62 | 16:12 Fri 20th Sep 2024 | News
10 Answers

i liked lee andersons speech at the reform confrence, he speaks the truth in my opinion, some abers will say dog whistle politics, how is it when what he say is true, the only difference is he's saying what id imagine most brits are thinking, he's blunt and not eloquent, but thats the point because it's anger with frustration at the state of the uk.



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Lee is a real man of the people, those close to him say what a nice person he is, and he doesn't have a malicious bone in his body.

I wish we had a few more like him in politics.

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Khandro, i agree very down to earth, i like his gbn news spot in the pub.


fender: How do you know that most brits think like you? I think that most brits think like me? Who's right? You or me?

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Atheist, it's on gbn live, how do i know, erm common sense seeing what has happened to the uk under the tories and now labour, satisfied ? for either.. i think not.


fender; Common sense is not a good answer. My common sense is probably different from yours.

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the we live in different worlds, listening to farage's speech, he nailed it, i think he should be the next pm, none of the other parties speak for the working class let alone middle income earners.

Is he the chap who can provide meals at 30p per head?

Sounds like he could walk on water and turn some of it into wine.

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sandyRoe, weel we have tried the rest and look where we are. unless you like more of the same, the uk need radical change and not more of the same, edd milipede rayner reeves starmer lammy they are a joke, just look at there latest edicts, thought wales was bad under labour, now it's the whole uk...crikey.

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for those who did not watch..

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Lee Anderson Reform Speech Rousing

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