I have been given a plant to look after short term for someone in my office. Basically I am trying to establish what sort of plant it is so I can look it up and work out how to care for it.
It has hairy, almost rhubarb like very thin stems. The leaves are a nice kind of Vynal looking green colour on top and a dark almost purple underneath. The are also a little bit hairy. If you look at the leaves side on they have a wavy shape.
Any suggestions are welcome and then at least if I have a name to go on I can look up a picture and match it or at least rule it out.
Hi Breen
Sounds like it may be a begonia rex to me, if it is, it needs bright light, but not direct sunlight, keep compost moist for the summer. Hope this is some use, regards H.
I agree with Horty... sounds very like it's a begonia. There's a good basic book with lots of info called the Houseplant Expert - there's a flow chart in there you can use to try and identify your plant
Sorry guys I just looked up pictures of that plant. The plant I have remember has tall almost totally upright what I describe as rhubarb like very thin stems then the leaves are mostly at the top. The begonia rex seems to be low in above the soil.
Unfortunately no one yet has hit the nail on the head. I have looked up everything that has been recommended to me. Everything looks more exotic. This plant doesn't have any flowers growing on it or anything.
I have been told that this is just an Ikea plant that was bought so if I get time I might just take drive down for a look just to see what it is.
My main issue was being able to look after it in our warm stuffy office environment. I wouldn't guess the air in here would be good for it not to mention the fact I don't sit at a window. I just have strong overhead lights and don't know if that is any good.