We only have a small garden and neither us are gardeners but would like to give our garden an overhaul. I'd love to have some honeysuckle, have lovely memories of the scent from my Nan's, however we really only have our six foot garden fence for it climb up, is this too short? Also can anyone give us some more ideas please on what else to plant thats going to add colour and scents. thanks so much
Living as I do in the U.S., I'm not educated on the type of honeysuckle available to you in the U.K.... but keep in mind that many variities of the plant, especially Amur and Japanese are highly invasive. Almost all honeysuckle can become undesirable over a period of time due to it's aggressive behaviour... Other than that, good luck!
we have an evergreen honey suckle that grows up our shed smells lovely if you get one give it a haircut every now and then it will soon green up again we give ours a chop once it is overtaking the garden and it always comes back fine
I have mainly evergreens in my garden because I wanted it to look pretty all year round. You can get evergreen jasmine which is very dark green shiny leaves with little fragrant star like flowers,ceanothus which is evergreen and has masses of royal blue/purple flowers in april/may, pittosporum is another beautiful shrub with really pretty foliage. and lastly good old lavender it's silvery foliage,scent and very easy to maintain it's got the lot!!
happy gardening
I just wish the weather would get better for us to get out there and enjoy it.
Thanks folks for your help, I've only just been able to get back online to acknowledge your answers so sorry for that. You've given me some great ideas and helpful tips to bear in mind and yes FUZZYBEE I know what you mean, won't hold my breath! Thanks again.