Crosswords2 mins ago
Are there any good gardener's out there, and can you please advise me about my hydrangea, last year on bad advice, I did not cut it down until about Easter, therefore this past summer it has not flowered at all, but it has grown to approx 5ft. no flower's, this week I have just spotted some tiny bud's like the one's that appear in spring, but alas they are too late, will it be alright if I cut it down to about 18ins now.I it looks very healthy and green. thanks for your guidance.
Do you mean buds up the sides of the stems? they'll be next year's leaves... There' s no need to over prune hydrangeas unless you really have to. I just take about a third off the stems in spring, which leaves it between 3 & 4 ft high, & remove any really old or weak stems at the base.
14:13 Sat 26th Sep 2009
I always leave the flower heads on until early spring (easter is a bit late) to provide some protection from the frost. When I prune, I only take the flowers heads off down to the next bud you can see. I remove all brown dead stems from the inside of the plant right down to the base. This lets new shoots come up. If it has overgrown too tall, I would take the stems off by about 1 foot just above a bud, but again I would not do this until early spring. I have 2 of these plants, one in the garden and one in a tub and they both flower prolifically every year. Good luck, grannie.