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Good Morning Saturday Birds!

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Smowball | 08:03 Sat 07th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
8 Answers

How are we all this morning? Today MrSmow & I are going to visit his parents in their new house - the first time since they moved a couple of months ago. Was meant to be a visit for dinner, then they said oh we'd love you to stay the night, & it's now us visiting about 3ish, all going out for dinner, staying the night, & also for Sunday lunch tomorrow! lol.

Oh, and did I mention. - Youngsmow proposed to his girlfriend yesterday!! They're engaged! He rang me and told me yesterday straight afterwards. It's a beautiful white gold ring with a gorgeous solitaire. Simple and stunning. He's still a baby to me - he's just 24 - but when I was thinking lastnight when I joined AB(under this name anyway) he was just 11 yrs old and about to start his first day at high school, and now he's a young man engaged to be married, well I though youve all heard the last 13 years of him growing up in my posts and it really made me smile : )

Have a wonderful day everyone x



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Morning.  Congrats to Youngsmow.  You'll have to buy a hat 😊

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Morning Barry. Is that still a thing - to wear a hat now? lol.

Aah thats lovely, will you have celebration?

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Morning ubasses. Well he lives in Devon & I'm in London, and Ive literally just visited them last month(he could have done it then lol!).... he's a pretty reserved person & will prob want to keep it as it is/was - a special moment between them whilst they were away for a few days together, but I want to go and get them a very special card this morning and get it in the post before noon so that it's at their home before they get back. 

Congratulaions to young Smow and his fiancee. Have they set a date yet?

Hope you have a great time aat your inlaws.

Its grey and cloudy here with rain forecast later. Another stay at home day for us, Have a happy day y'all

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Hi Rosetta. No, but they said within the next 18 months hopefully. 
Same weather here - we really have leapt straight into autumn havent we.

I didn't realise it was the same son, might of mixed you up with another poster, thought you had more than one.

Grey and dank here, so will spend day doing more clearing out, bit tired this morning after having a great barbeque party organised for us yesterday.

Have a good time at the in-laws, sounds like they want to keep you there for as long as they can.


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Ive got 3 boys but generally when I post it's about Youngsmow as he's the youngest lol.

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Good Morning Saturday Birds!

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