Hello all, I wonder if you might be able to help with my washing machine before I batter it with a pitchfork in the style of Basil Fawlty!
It is around 5 years old, and is a Beko model. It has always been fine until recently. Over the last few months it has finished its cycle but still been full of soapy water.
It started doing it very infrequently. Removing the lower plate and unscrewing the filter cap revealed a load of fluff and 20p (!) and a couple of gallons of water. I therefore thought that by unclogging this I had solved the problem.
The issue has become more frequent to the point where it is doing it every other cycle and there is nothing but water coming out (no debris in the filter). Is there anything I, the layman can do without calling someone out to it at great expense, or replacing it at greater expense?
Pull the filter out again and have a look down the bottom of the hole it comes out from and see if any thing has gotten past the filter into the pump stopping it from turning
check round the impeller/motor shaft carefully, I had one of those clear plastic straps off a ladies dress caught round one, it was hard to spot.
is the connector on securely? does the rotor turn easily by hand? can you 'force' a drain cycle by turning the program knob or does it not have one?, if it does, see if you can hear/feel the drain pump running.
Be careful doing this and if you are in any doubt, call a qualified tradesman.
Has your drain pipe (grey) got a kink in it or some how been trapped. Next before you go any further,UNPLUG the machine from the MAINS. take the back of and look and see if somehow the pump has become dislodged or the wiring (plug) has become loose other than that you'll have to call someone in.
Go outside and check the drain that this is draining to - it could well be that it's blocked and backing up all the way to your machine (happened here).