Can anyone tell me what law is in place to prevent someone erecting a boundary fence higher than 6 foot.
If both parties agree to a 10 foot fence can the local council prevent the fence being erected or enforce it is removed?
we have conifers at the bottom of our garden which our neighbour want us to remove. They are prepared to pay to have the trees removed which we are prepared to consider but only if they raise the boundary fence to 10 foot We want the fence raised to maintain privacy. The neighbour has said the fence cannot be raised. Is this true?
the maximum height of a garden fence is 2 meters without planning permission......but also, don't under estimate the construction involved in erecting a ten foot fence.....its a major project......planning consent for a domestic dwelling wouldn't go much, if anything above 2.4m ( 8ft ) anyway
Putting up a high fence may be detrimental to your neighboour if it blocked out light. Also if the fence is adjacent to a highway even 6' would be too high because of impeding vision to oncoming cars.
As your problem is the bottom of the garden and you mention privacy I assume there is a property overlooking yours with see through windows. If this is the case you can suggest to your neighbour to change his windows to frosted glass and then you could reduce the height of your conifers. If he says no keep your conifers as they are not illegal no matter the height.
I'm assuming that the conifers are on your side of the fence. If so, why would you want to remove them if they provide adequate privacy at the mo ??
If you can't erect a fence up to the height that you want - just leave the conifers as they are :)
The Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) Order 1995 (as amended) is the law you require - means of enclosure are permitted up to 2m, unless adjacent to a highway where the limit is 1m. You need a planning application in all other cases.