Some more info on damp here...
It may be an idea to try and reduce any possible causes such as bad ventillation in a shower, drying clothes indoors, a tumble dryer without proper ventilation etc... Make sure windows are opened to let any hot hair out.
Cleaning the walls and adding a de-humidifier may also help.
Some more info here about environmental health (via your local council) who you could als contact for help if you cannot get through to the Landlord.... ings.html?terms=damp
The Citizen's Advice Bureau may also be able to help you liaise with the Landlord...
As regards the leaking loo, you could try a post in How it Works to see if anyone can help you sort it in the meantime.
In an emergency, I'd get a reasonable quoting contractor out to fix it and deduct the money from rent if feasible.
Just make sure you keep a note of dates and problems, phone calls, letters, etc... so you can show you acted reasonably.
You may also get some good tips about minimising damp and cleaning it off in the Home and Garden section.
Hope you get it sorted!