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slow filling cistern

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royzart | 17:25 Thu 19th May 2011 | How it Works
8 Answers
Hi...does anyone know how to lift off the cistern lid
of a dual push button toilet...i didnt really want to
lift it of and damage there something
i need to do first.
many thanks


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Unscrew the ring round the push buttons.
19:10 Thu 19th May 2011
I don't have direct experience but would be surprised if they were any different to others. All the cisterns I've seen in the past either had a lid that just lifted off, or an obvious screw to be removed.

Silly question I know but, have you tried lokoing for a screw, or just lifting the lid ?
This any good to you? Plenty more on there if not.
often cisten lids are tight if they are made from plastic as the weight of the water inside the cisten tends to make them distort a bit
As you would expect, roy, nothing is standard.
Yes, some do just lift off with two rods sticking down which activate the two valves.
Sometimes, you have to lever one button out and look for a retaining screw. Maybe even both buttons to get at something. Unless they know a cistern "personally", plumbers too, have to poke about looking for likely suspects. :o)
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thanks for your answer....will try it
Question Author
thank you...i will look at that
The rods just ratchet into the controls usually. Unscrewing the ring usually just loosens button assy on cover.

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slow filling cistern

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