We have been finding shiny, dry trails on the carpet in ouir lounge in the mornings. We have tried putting down snail bait, but to no avail. These trails look like the snail trails in the garden, but are dry and britttle and brush off easily.
Would the culprits be woodlice? They tend to come in in winter.
Does anyone know - and what is the cure, please?
When I was flat hunting a few years ago-one place had a kitchen that was carpeted-and if that as not bad enough-the carpet was covered in slime trails. And this was at the back of the house-above ground level.
These are slug trails and I don't know the cure.I have actually caught the slugs in the house and have no idea how they get in.I have left slug pellets down and also surrounded the room with salt but all to no avail there is no sign of them in the morning and also no bodies but the trails appear every day.The ones I have caught have been taken by surprise during the night but I can't spend every night on 'slug watch'It is a nightmare.
Thanks to all - we did find slugs long ago and thought they had come in with potted plants, but will now look with renewed vigour, and leave the slug bait down as a belt'n'braces measure. Didn't know it was relatively common.
Instead of only sprinkling salt along the edge of the wall sprinkle it over the carpet also where the pesky pests sliver. We had the same trouble a few weeks ago, did what I suggest and that must have either killed them slowly,or they got the hint and left `tout suit`allez, allez.