Yesterday, I noticed for the first time some water on a step of the stairs which leads into a dormer bedroom, I saw the drips were dropping from a beam. Not much but enough to need wiping up. it hasn't rained or snowed in ages and there are no pipes in the roof so the only explaination is condensation running down the tube which leads from the boiler to the roof. I presume with the cold weather this is the cause of it. Do you think I should get this checked out or just mention it when the boiler gets its annual look over?
Yes, I presume it's the flue; it lets vapours out from the boiler above the roof. I only know these names in french hence my use of non technical terms... What is flashing? When I looked at the roof yesterday I noticed there were streaks of what seemed like water but this is below the beam which is dripping inside. I don't know if this can help, but there are like two mini chimney tiles on the roof at this point; one above the other. I presume one is from the boiler and the other from the septic tank. These streaks were around the lowest one. If this makes sense....
Your English is excellent, Cocci. Sadly, my French is not, but I guess the two pipes are .......... une cheminée et le tuyau d'egout.
A flashing fits around a pipe that goes through the roof. Usually made of lead (le plomb). It stops rain from dripping into the building.
That's what Al meant. It would be the first thing to investigate.
The 'flashing on a roof' is ' le revetement de zinc' coccinelle (as you see , I can't do accents on this machine). It is often of lead, en plomb, not zinc, in Britain.