Roses in The AnswerBank: Home & Garden
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queenio | 11:00 Sun 01st Jul 2012 | Home & Garden
6 Answers
I bought my patio rose with two blooms on it. I deadheaded when they faded about two months ago, and since then nothing. I feed them with Baby Bio, and the foliage is looking healthy and bug free, but no flowers - not even a bud. Any advice much appreciated.
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One of our roses is like this, this year, I think it might be the weather. Did you repot it? It might be just having a quiet year and will come back next year.
some roses only flower once a year.
I agree with woofy but there is still time for it to have another flowering this year.
Stop feeding it and with a bit of luck it will bud, over feeding can cause too much foliage and no flowers.
I've been nurturing a Blue Moon rose for the last four years, the first three years it only produced one bloom, this year it has ten, so stick with it, next year it might produce more.
I never knew some roses only flowered once (who wants that) I have an expensive David Austin Rose that flowers once... And some Pound shop roses that at the moment are covered in buds and flowers....I deadhead and another one shoots out to replace it...The D Austin has already given up for this year...

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