If it wasn't for my Hubby I would be dead now thanks to lack of hospital care.No I am not over exaggerating,I was bed bound for 5 mths after having a seizure which when he told the nurse about he was told to stop making a fuss.Dr will be along soon.Dr is with another patient.Like there is only one Dr in the whole place.
I have learnt there are good and bad nurses,but I wonder why the bad nurses are so?You don't go into nursing for the pay do you?
After a Norovirus scare we where all given little damp wipes,for our hands,but only at Lunch time?!?I don't understand.
At one point,armed with my baby wipes,after waiting over an hour for a nurse to come and change me I ended up doing a botch it job myself.When a nurse finally arrived,she told me I should of reminded them!!!
I was in hospital again recently,and even though the wards where next door but one to each other,they where worlds apart.The atmosphere was so much nicer,as where the staff,having to fight them off sometimes in the morning when it was 'wash time'. The care an elderly lady next to me who had had a massive stroke was tear jerking,the nurses chatting away to her(not to each other for a change)even though the lady was unconscious you would of thought she was wide awake trying to get a word in edgeways!
I have spent so much time in or around hospitals in the last few years that I have issues and fears,but I can do without another condescending 'apology' letter from staff who probably have never nursed in their lives and don't understand what it is like to be a nurse or a patient...at THAT hospital.
Sorry about the rant