Music1 min ago
Money Saving Tips...
38 Answers
Someone posted something HILARIOUS on my FB page, regarding money saving tips. It was from a programme called 'Superscrimpers' and they recommended putting toilet rolls on the arms of a wooden rocking chair to avoid wear and tear. Lol.
Do you have any 'good' money saving tips?
Do you have any 'good' money saving tips?
I watched that programme once and there was a woman on there who made a 'necklace' out of a cereal box and covered it with glitter. When she had finished it looked...... ............ ............ ...........l ike a necklace that had been made out of a cereal box and covered with glitter!
11:40 Fri 03rd May 2013
I can't bear leaving dregs of liquid in the bottom of soap dispensers, sauce bottles, etc. I just have to up-end the old bottle so the leftovers all slide down into the new one.
Some of the bottles of bubble bath in our bathroom are a strange khaki colour, because they are a composite of the dregs of many previous products.
Some of the bottles of bubble bath in our bathroom are a strange khaki colour, because they are a composite of the dregs of many previous products.