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Ouch!, That Bl**dy Hurt

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Baldric | 15:21 Thu 16th May 2013 | ChatterBank
83 Answers
just walked out in the garden to enjoy a bit of sun, got talking to him next door, dogs chasing each other round lawn behind me suddenly hit me in back of legs at full pelt. I went over backwards, the pair of 'em weigh 14 stone + between them, arms spread out to break fall, landed with right arm on edging stone. point of impact now almost black in20 mins, large amount of painkillers swallowed, OH on way home to do a & E run, its going to bea fun evening. as a longterm first aider i suspect ulna has not come out of it to well.


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I guess now is not the time to point out your typo's?

Thought not
Love anyway
ouch! I make sure i am always seated or with my back to a wall when mine play. They weigh less too, total of about 60kg.
bummer Balders, hope it's not as bad as you fear.
Very, very painful though xx
Ouch indeed Baldric.....makes a hoe in the boobs pale a bit. Good luck at A&E but sounds like you know the damage.....have a hug. xx
Looks like I'll have to continue the quest for the twins alone, eh Baldric?!

Better take a book to A&E, could be there a while.
Oh poor ole you, hope you feel better soon.
Very bad luck that, Baldric. Good luck at A&E.
Owie !! Hope is not as bad as you fear.
Books Baldric can read while in A&E:

The Accident Man.....Tom Cain.
Breaks came my way by Joe Davis
He'd be better sreved taking War & Peace gness!
ouch though...hopefully nothing too serious.
But would such literary delights be within his radius?

I'll get me coat...............
Sounds painful, Baldric!

Do enjoy your trip to A&E, at least it's not a Friday or Saturday night...
Hope Balder's self-diagnosis proves unfounded:
Serves you right for not having chihuahuas.

Hope the worst anticipated outcome isn't what you fear it will be. Good luck !
poor you baldric when I read the thread I thought he is lucky not to have a broken leg or some broken bones, so I hope you are going to be okay after your visit to A&E.
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Mrs B here, just had a call from his nibs, has been x-rayed, got a break, now waiting to see Doctor, then plasterers dept, then I'll go and get him, although he could be on the bus if "The quest for the twins" does not have a reasonable explanation!
Poor Baldric, send him my best please Mrs B.

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