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Scart And Hdmi Connections

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twilightflyer | 06:18 Sun 21st Jul 2013 | Technology
2 Answers
Hi, I have a new LG tv (HD ready) with one scart connector and one HDMI connector, also a Freeview box (new) with two scart sockets and a HDMI socket,also a DVD recorder with two scart sockets only.
My question is how do i connect these items up so that I can record and paly back?.
I have tried other ways to connect but I seem to be fighting a loosing battle.
Any help would be most appreciated.


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Scart from Freeview to DVD Recorder, then from DVD Rec to TV.
HDMI from Freeview direct to TV. This way you will be able to record anything from Freeview in SD & play back or watch HD direct from Freeview box.


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