I went to empty my indoor food bin into the outdoor food bin and as I was doing so a maggot fell out!!! I've tried washing the bin out with disinfectant as suggested and spraying fly killer into it but the flies still seem to lay their eggs in MY BIN! AArrgghh
Does anyone else have this problem? How do you deal with it?
I know what you mean Jeza, there used to be maggot farm close to where I worked when I first left school and boy the stench from that place was horrendous especially in the summer.
I thought the days of maggoty dustbins were long gone. Waste food used to be put straight in to the galvanised dustbin along with the other rubbish and every summer without fail the bin would be crawling with maggots.
The dustmen would carry a big galvanised 'baby bath' over their shoulders to the back of the gardens and empty the bins into the baths. Over the shoulder with the bath and into the open dust cart. It was a hard, dirty, horrid, smelly job in those days.
You COULD get one of those fly zapper things. You know like you see in restaurants? (You can get smaller ones for home use). I've got one to zap the mozzies in our bedroom. It only cost about £12 or so.
tigs, the maggots may not be getting in, they may already be in - if a fly has touched your meat (say) before it actually gets in the sinktop bin, it can have laid the eggs which then hatch in your rubbish. We keep our sinktop bin lined so just tie the whole lot up and chuck it in the outside bin every couple of days. Nothing ever goes in there loose.
I've seen eggs on left over cat food which I throw out immediately but I've never seen any on any other food. I will of course have a closer look from now on.
tigger.....just for you: my dad, brother and i used to go fishing a lot when we were younger, so i am used to maggots, worms and other foul bait. however, once my brother managed to fill a cheese sandwich with maggots and gave it to me to eat. that was certainly barf-inducing!!! i did puke after that......x
Maybe what you are doing wrong is not eating the food. Tell your family they have to finish up their plates, there are plenty of starving in Africa that would love to have the food they do. Had I a food bin I think it might be used once in a blue moon.
OG, what do you do with the meat bones and carcasses, raw skin you've had to cut off poultry, the fat cut off steaks and chops, the giblets you've boiled to make gravy and then discarded.......?
I refuse to use our food recycling bins. As we compost all fruit and veg waste they would only be full of really smelly stuff e.g. fish bones. No, just plain nasty.
That's the whole point though - you recycle the bones etc., if you don't put them in the food bin, what do you do with your food waste? If you put it in with general trash, then it goes into landfill, where more flies and bugs can get at it. What's the point of NOT putting it in a food bin? At least (here) that's collected weekly, whereas the rubbish bin is only once a fortnight. It would be high as a kite by then, with food in it too.
All my fruit and veg waste (except spud peelings) either goes to the girls or on the compost heap. Other stuff (fish/meat bones etc, plate scrapings, egg shells - basically, anything I cant compost or give to the chickens) goes in the food waste bin. This means my "landfill" bin needs emptying perhaps once a month or once every six weeks.
If you manage it properly it doesnt smell. I think it's a good idea.
Meat bones aren't food. Raw skin ? What raw skin ? You roasted and ate the skin didn't you ? Fat cut off steaks and chops ? You cut off the tasty bits ? I don't buy giblets, but I hear they make good gravy. Unsure I understand the question.