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Can Someone Tell Me What This Plant/weed Is Please.

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RATTER15 | 21:26 Sat 28th Sep 2013 | Home & Garden
25 Answers

I've never seen one before and now I have seen a couple of them.


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Thanks Peter!

If that's the same as the original pic, I agree Datura app commonly known as Thornapple.
It was definitely a Datura, Chip, I used to grow them in my garden years ago.
re read

which tells it all.

The ratio of droogz varies from 5: 1 to 3:2 which makes it impossible to standardise, and biologically very variable - oops
My mum has this plant growing in her garden. I understand the seeds and other parts of this plant can be use to get a 'high'. The flower is beautiful.
The article talks about one seed containing 0.1 mg atropine.

usual dose for man 70kg is 0.6 mg - odd quantity and corresponds to the old 1/100 of a grain. A apoth grain is 60mg

They say the lethal dose is >10mg

Having seen accidental atropine intoxication - 6Hs
Hot as hell, mad as a Hen er and four others

I would not do it to myself.

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