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Could A Concrete Sill Above The Front Door Be The Cause Of Damp On An Upstairs Wall?

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sandyRoe | 15:21 Sun 17th Nov 2013 | Home & Garden
12 Answers
I guess it wouldn't be a big job to get the old mortar out and repoint it. How much should that cost?


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Do you mean a window sill above the door Sandy? If the damp is below the sill then, yes certainly.

I'm assuming you have a solid wall construction. It shouldn't happen with a newer cavity wall.
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Sill's not the right word. It's a level concrete slab that projects out over the front door. The house is about 70 years old and I don't know how the walls are constructed.
I think that you mean concrete lintel, sandy.
I think the word you're looking for is lintel sandy.
Ah........ one of those concrete porch/canopies?
I doubt if that would cause damp upstairs. It would likely be more or less on the same level as the first floor.

It is possible though, if enough water gets in and rises up the wall. It would take a lot though. Perhaps it's West-facing?

Either way, a bit of "pointing" wouldn't be amiss.
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A lintel it is. If the mortar has perished could that be the source of the damp? The windows are fairly new.
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Posts crossed there ^
Lintels don't usually project, Sandy.
A couple of hours at the most for a decent handyman.
Maybe the canopy is also the lintol TB, ie one piece.
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OK. Thank you all.

more bloomin expense
That's quite possible Zacs. Combined with the lintel over the front door.

Sandy, if I were in Belfast, I'd do it for you just for the craic :o)
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I know a Polish neighbour who came here to work on the Titanic quarter. He stayed when that finished. There's not much doing in the building line now and last summer he was doing gardening or whatever he could find. I'll probably get him. But thanks for the offer, The Builder.

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Could A Concrete Sill Above The Front Door Be The Cause Of Damp On An Upstairs Wall?

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