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Salix Caprea Kilmarnock.

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gness | 12:07 Mon 17th Mar 2014 | Home & Garden
3 Answers
I have just bought the above plant....well it was an offer of £4.99....☺

It's not one I've had before so I have done a bit of research but would appreciate any advice if you have one growing.

The branches are trailing on the ground I shorten them to keep them away from the wet soil?

Thanks Gx.... and if I'm slow coming back...internet keeps failing.....


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This might be of interest:

Looking at the photograph it would seem that some branches meeting the soil is inevitable.
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Hi, Chris....thank you but I'm confused by your picture.....I'll try to post the one I have bought...Gx
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Lord save us....I don't have to do that do I?.....I have sticks already like that behind the shed......☺

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Salix Caprea Kilmarnock.

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