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Want To Get Rid Of Snails? Do You Throw Them Into Next Door's Garden?

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ladybirder | 11:00 Fri 16th May 2014 | Home & Garden
39 Answers
If you are, you should stop it because most will come back again. Take them a walk down the road for at least 20 metres and then dump them, that should do it according to this study.


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I like to put them on the bird table and let nature take it's course.
13:10 Fri 16th May 2014
Except for them ones :-)
-- answer removed --
I always chuck em too, do feel a bit guilty but as I throw them into a grassy area (no, ont someone elses garden) I figure they survive- never dawned they'd come back though!
I like to put them on the bird table and let nature take it's course.
If i did that frank, nature would take a very grizzly course- via my cats belly!
they just can't take a hint, B00.
lol jno
Your cat eats snails?
Probably, but I meant the birds which came to eat the snails.
Ah, I see.
It's not going to work, because down the road is someone throwing them 20m back to your garden.
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Depends if you walk at a snail's pace ael.:-)

Seems most of us are guilty of this and I must admit I do it. It's not nice but boxy's way is worse I think, it must take them a long time to die. I might take mine to the park in future I think.
I wouldn't cause them suffering, just walk them to the field over the road and let them wander away
A man hears a knock at his door, opens it but doesn't see anyone.
He glances down, sees a snail there and being the conscientious gardener he is, tosses the snail across the road, into a field, away from his property.
Ten years go by, and one day the man hears a knock at the door, but once again, doesn't find anyone there when he answers.
He looks down, sees a snail there.
The snail looks up at him, and in a tiny voice demands, - "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?"

Wrong section, I know but it fits here. xx
Stomp stomp stom stomp
'Fraid I just crunch 'em !!
Maybe if people weren't so obsessed at killing snails, we would have healthier populations of song thrushes, hedgehogs etc.
My next door neighbour has asked me to throw slugs and snails over into her garden but they never come back. Her hens love them and come running to devour them. I always feel very un-neighbourly though.
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I agree chip chopper, I don't kill them. Eggshells and grit are doing it for me at the moment.

Hope she gives you some eggs in return thugulike, but not by throwing them over the fence:-)

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