Music0 min ago
60 Years Married
10 Answers
Next year we are celebrating our Diamond wedding anniversary and I believe we can get an anniversary card from the Queen. What do we have to do to acheive that. Does anybody know? xx
http://www.r HMTheQueen/Q ueenandanniv ersarymessag es/Weddingan niversaries/ Weddinganniv ersaries.asp x and congratulati ons
08:59 Fri 04th Jul 2014
There you are John ( and congratulations)- if you read this page and maybe email them I'm sure they'll be happy to help you :) http:// www.roy uk/hmth equeen/ queenan dannive rsaryme ssages/ anniver sarymes sages.a spx
Congrats John.
HM sends a card on the 60th, 65th, 70th and every year thereafter.
You fill in the form on Buck House's website and send a copy of your marriage certificate and they do the rest. Once you have done it once, you just resubmit the form (without certificate) for following anniversaries.
I did it for my grandparents's 60th and for their 65th. And no doubt for their 70th in 3 and a bit years time.....
HM sends a card on the 60th, 65th, 70th and every year thereafter.
You fill in the form on Buck House's website and send a copy of your marriage certificate and they do the rest. Once you have done it once, you just resubmit the form (without certificate) for following anniversaries.
I did it for my grandparents's 60th and for their 65th. And no doubt for their 70th in 3 and a bit years time.....