Hanging Basket in The AnswerBank: Home & Garden
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Hanging Basket

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jennyjoan | 13:03 Fri 18th Jul 2014 | Home & Garden
6 Answers
I have above outside my front door and it is doing very well - cos I am watering it - anyway it is plumping that well that the back of it is being squashed against the wall.

Is there anything I can to move it out a bit - like a temporary thing. Thanks
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Take the bracket down and pack it out with some wood.No extra holes to drill,just a couple of longer screws.
You could take it down and sit it on a table or bench then all parts of it will bloom out freely, they do tend to squashed if the hanging bracket isn't far enough out from the wall!
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Paddy I couldn't do that unfortunately - caribeing that will probably be my last resort.
Personally I'd just acknowledge that is growing against a wall and leave it to do its thing, i.e thrive in the sun. If it is that close to a wall you are hardly likely to get a view to admire it from, just accept that you have a lovely hanging basket in most aspects.
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I am just thinking that maybe will take it down and set it over a tub. That would be good wouldn't it.
Maybe I'm missing the point here.

Why does the hanging basket have to thrive 360? What is wrong with leaving it to do its thing in loco? Maybe lift it off its hook and reorientate if very picky but I not sure what the issue is?

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