Music1 min ago
Hanging Basket.
Can I put hanging basket brackets on my side of neighbours fence.
Technically no, as the fence belongs to them, I would do it though, or maybe get their consent first.
08:29 Fri 01st Apr 2016
Depends who the boundary regardless of who erected the fence belongs to.
One boundary is your responsibility the other your neighbors
It would take a look at land registry to find out. But I'd ask your neighbor before hanging to keep on good terms. A lot of ill feeling can escalate from minor things regarding boundaries.
One boundary is your responsibility the other your neighbors
It would take a look at land registry to find out. But I'd ask your neighbor before hanging to keep on good terms. A lot of ill feeling can escalate from minor things regarding boundaries.
Woofy is right. I own all the fencing around my garden. Not sure whether that's a good or bad thing.
fazy if you put up the brackets and the weight of the baskets damages the fence or causes in to lean, then if it were my fence I would expect you to pay to put it right,whether or not you asked permission. And I would feel the same if I were to damage your fence.
fazy if you put up the brackets and the weight of the baskets damages the fence or causes in to lean, then if it were my fence I would expect you to pay to put it right,whether or not you asked permission. And I would feel the same if I were to damage your fence.
malagabob. In your case the surveyor may have been right or may have been talking out of his theodolite. My garden is “L” shaped and the only piece of fence I own is about 1/8th of the whole and tucked behind my sheds. Actual “boundaries" are no ones “responsibility” unless there is a covenant on your property that says you must keep it fenced. Ownership of a fence does not mean that you must keep it in repair there is a covenant to keep the area fenced. The fence owner is the fence owner and owns both sides of the fence. Neighbours may not paint, alter or attach things to the fence without permission of the owner.
http:// www.gar denlaw. hpBB2/v iewtopi c.php?f =4& t=2247
Gardenlaw is a useful general site by the way.
Gardenlaw is a useful general site by the way.