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Arran Sweater

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jwbr | 17:13 Thu 13th Nov 2014 | Home & Garden
7 Answers
My wife knitted me an arran sweater about 30 years ago and I still love it. The trouble is that it is now overlong and stretched out of shape. Can arran wool be shrunk or made smaller? ta


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Jwbr.....the only way I have heard of a jumper being shortened us to unravel it from the rib up to take it to the required length.

I haven't done it but there are instructions to follow by typing.....How to Remove Ribbing from a Garment Knit from the Bottom up....

Hope it works.....x
I accidentally boiled my husband's Arran sweater made by his grandmother. maybe try that??
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ta very much
Pedant's corner, but before any irate residents of the Islands off Ireland read this, it's "Aran"
I loved knitting Aran when I had more time than I do now. I would unravel the whole sweater and knit it again. It will then be like new again.
Definitely don't boil or even hot wash it - it will end up as felt!
Gently wash in tepid suds, rinse, squeeze out and roll sweater in a towel. Stamp on towel roll to absorb fluid. Lay damp sweater on dry towel & pull sweater to size & shape. Roll up shaped sweater & dry towel and place in airing cboard/radiator to dry.

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Arran Sweater

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