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Are British People Workshy?

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Retrochic | 09:19 Wed 01st Jul 2015 | ChatterBank
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One of my daughters is a manager at a Hotel/conference centre and has sent me this message;

' This morning I told staff their hours would be shorter today -2 hours later had to tell them no ,their shift was as usual. British workers complaining,making a fuss they have to do a full shift,Polish workers happy to stay and even volunteered to do extra work to cover British workers.

We have had the same experience with British and Polish laborers -the Brits are forever late and always on the phone, E.U. Immigrants work like dogs and grateful for overtime.

are British workers becoming workshy?


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I have worked for 7 years as an 'expat' in both Africa and the Middle East. In both places us 'Brits' had a reputation as hard workers. The 'Locals' were regarded as 'Lazy' . I went abroad simply to work and earn money to send home. It is a question of commitment I had nothing else to worry about than earning money to send home, I worked 7 days a week and extra hours to...
10:53 Tue 07th Jul 2015
My OH says the same. Brits jacking after a few days because they didn't realise the work would be so hard.
Saying that when I worked for an events firm it was staffed mainly by Brits and they all worked hard.
My son - who is certainly not workshy - was replaced at his last job because he was told they could employ 1.5 polish joiners for what they paid him
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I think it varies from person to person.

That stated: in a well off society where one is not brought up to grab any chance of making money out of necessity, there is likely to develop a work to live rather than live to work attitude.

Disappointment at being told you had a short day and then having it taken away is fair enough. Volunteering is probably more to do with life's experiences and being in the habit of taking a joy and being useful. When the job isn't something you want to do the less of it you have to do, the better. But if you have an interest or incentive, that's another matter.
Why wouldn't they be annoyed. Sounds to me like they're being messed about.
How did we ever manage in this country without people who work like dogs, don't know what hours they're working from day to day, and all, doubtless, for very low wages.
Presumably you're British then retrochic since you're complaining and making a fuss, thereby complying with your stereotyping.
Not necessarily workshy, but the biggest load of moaners.
I have employed a few young apprentices and wouldn't say workshy as much as totally unprepared for the working day. Schools need to do more.
Where they have had a previous job (usually retail shops) then no I wouldn't say generally workshy.

For me though, British and as lazy as you can be ;0)
if i was getting paid twice as much as i usually get in my home country i´d work every hour god sends. dont these polish send a lot of money they earn home?
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canary -no I'm not British.
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Just to clarify -the cleaners only get paid for the hours they work. So if they were told at start of shift they were only getting paid for 6 hours not 8 as there was not much work then they would have been miffed. To be told 2 hours later 'oh its ok we have had a large booking you will get your full shift money' -should have been a relief.
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Well I've always said why are there so many young fit men sitting on street corners doing nothing, when people are sometimes risking their lives to come into the UK for work?

I don't know about workshy but I haven't worked since end of June last year (2014) can't say I've missed it to be honest.
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but you have worked hard all your life probably -you need a rest!

Perhaps in the intervening period they had made plans for their unexpected early finish on this lovely warm day and were now niggled at having to cancel them?
I've worked with Italian, Polish, Ukrainian, German, Russian, Portuguese and many others...on a building site, none of those mentioned can hold a candle to the British.

You seem a bit obsessed with wanting to label the British as lazy!
It looks to me getting a Job with your Local Council(North Tyneside) in this case,seems to be the thing to do. Outside my House is a small Green,a month ago 5 Council "Workers" were sitting on their Grass Cutting Machines for 3 hours talking, smoking,eating and drinking Tea.Today,as I write, 6 "Workers" from the same Council have been doing exactly the same since 9.15 this morning with no sign of doing anything.Do you think this is typical of all Council "Workers"or just my Council?

A rest, chance would be a fine thing!
As a forester I have worked with quite a few polIsh etc, ok they are willing to work quite hard, they are willing to work any hours you give them, very keen, they are also the most effing useless workers under the sun always saying they know what they are doing and never having a clue, no quality or pride in their work always had to make them go over their work at least once, I would prefer not to ever have to use them again

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