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Getting Rid Of Moles

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Bensnan | 16:10 Wed 29th Jul 2015 | Home & Garden
7 Answers
What are the best ways anyone on Answerbank has used to get rid of pesky little hill building moles.
I have heard children's windmills, castor oil and all kinds of electronic devices.
Anyone on here used anything that worked please.


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The solar powered sonic devices worked for me for about 3 years until they packed in,,and I did'nt want to shell out for more.Since then the moles have re-appeared.In desperation I flushed the new holes through with plenty of water from the jetwash laced with Jeyes fluid and bleach in the chemical tank.I thought the lawn might die but it still looks good and the moles have moved on ...for now.The only cure is to trap and kill.....but mrs BS has threatened to ....curtail my interests!!...if I adopt this method.
Well, you can waste lots of time and money with poisons and electronic devices, some may scoff at this but what I found that works, is : Dig down into the mound/s to locate the tunnel, then place some spiny sprigs of gorse with the spines facing each direction, cover it up again and wait.
After a while they will give up and move on to pastures new.
Our terrier. :) He loves molehills, poises over them and then dives.... bang - no more mole.
Find the biggest mole heap, clear the spare soil away and put the hose down the hole. leave it running for at least an hour ( unless you are on a meter !)
My husband and I was looking after someones house while they was away. One tunnel appeared so I just tread it down again and kept thumping my feet on it...then the cat bought a dead mole in.... few days later another dead mole..and tunnel... so thumped it down again.. Never seen any since.!
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Thanks everyone for the tips. I decided on the old wives tale using the children's plastic windmill. I put two of them straight down into each of the mole hills and have watched them spin madly in the wind. Several weeks later the moles seem to have taken the hint.

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