TV0 min ago
Black Fly.
8 Answers
Can someone please help me ? My roses are absolutely infested with black fly. I've tried the " Rose Clear " spray and no discernible effect. I would be so grateful for any tips or suggestions.
Strange, that's worked for me in the past. You could try a different brand of aphid spray. Soapy water is meant to work. Or can you get/ encourage predators ?
20:00 Wed 13th Jul 2016
Some good tips on this link, Grandma_Yiddo.
http:// www.gar denseek plant_p ests_pr oblems/ plant-p ests/bl ackfly. html
Probably find someone who sells them in here somewhere. https:/ /www.go .uk/sea rch?q=b lack+fl y+preda tors&am p;ie=ut f-8& ;oe=utf -8& client= firefox -b& gfe_rd= cr& ei=qf2H V6GaCqf H8Af23I eACA
To be honest predators would be more difficult to keep on your roses outside of a glass house. But if you find a ladybird transfer it to your rose and see if it uses it as a cafe. https:/ /www.rh k/advic e/profi le?PID= 507
I'd try soapy water first.
To be honest predators would be more difficult to keep on your roses outside of a glass house. But if you find a ladybird transfer it to your rose and see if it uses it as a cafe. https:/
I'd try soapy water first.
I used to get my roses covered with black/greenfly and spent ages trying to clear it, then one year I put out container of water for the birds, and hey presto, I do not have the problem anymore! I can sit and watch the birds (especially the sparrows, which nest around here) clear the plants for me, bath and drink, and if they need seed they only have to fly over the roof to the back garden where it is provided!