has anyone had one fitted recently?
I need a new one and I am wondering how much (approx) it will cost
I intend to go for the cheapest as I don't intend to be in the house much longer.
Have a look on Gumtree / Ebay / or your local Supermarket Ad board Ric-ror, I presume it's a "Up & over"? If so you can get a second hand door for under £40 but they normally ask you to remove, if it's the outward twin doors, it can be done by one person but it can be a struggle, depending on the door condition about the same £40 / £60 then you have the labour and depending on the time to fit, I would say around £50.
TWR - thank you for your answer - especially as I see on another thread you have been so busy with your daughters drive - perhaps I should have explained that I will require them to come and fit it too
Sorry for misleading you and thanks again for your answer
No problem Ric, whoever you get, make sure you get a quote, I'm not at all questioning your common sense but there are a lot out there that "will" rip you off given chance, what type doors are you in need of? are there some up already & if so, what's there condition? can the be repaired? would it not be possible to do that.
I have just contacted the company who provided the door that is now on
They have estimated (he is coming to give me a quote) approx £500 for all the fittings, frames etc. The door now on is metal and has been bashed about on the lock - I presume the previous owner lost the key. It has never locked and I am guessing that will be one of the things that need to rectified before I can rent the house out
If the Door is a Henderson Ric, you can get the lock from their County Durham works, I have done this, to fit the lock will take about 10mins, If the door closes with the lock do not waste your money replacing the whole thing, the Up-over doors are very simple to use, if the runners within are ok & the wood that they are fix to is in order the only other replace parts are the roller ( 2) they are not that expensive from the same place, Henderson, let me know & I'll see if I can help you.
To be honest the door itself was damaged when they obviously had to smash the lock open - not just dented but holes and bits of metal sticking out
I doubt if the door could be made secure again by just replacing the lock
I will have to wait and see what the chap says although I am guessing he will want to talk me into a whole new frame too
Thanks again for your help TWR