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Unblocking A Toilet

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Barmaid | 07:56 Tue 06th Sep 2016 | Home & Garden
49 Answers
Lord knows how step son has managed to block his loo but he has. Think the blockage is in the u-bend. I certainly cant feel anything this side of the u-bend (carefully using my *** stick).

I have tried washing up liquid and hot water.

I have been advised to use an old fashioned mop to plunge it but I dont have one. There is no way I am using my plunger - the handle is far too short and I am being a wuss.

We do not have a single wire coat hanger in the entire house.

Any other ideas apart from calling Dyno-Rod or whoever (and sending the boy child to the pub to do his business)!? We do have other facilities, but obviously this needs dealing with.


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In my experience, if it's extreme turdation then mechanical means is most effective. Don the gauntlets of Pan and prepare for battle.
08:14 Tue 06th Sep 2016
Haa haa
Better buy lots of heavy duty plastic sheeting and line the room too Barmaid
Lol 1ozzy
//Think the blockage is in the u-bend. I certainly cant feel anything this side of the u-bend (carefully using my *** stick//

Guess it wasn't your selfie stick with your phone attached ;-/
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lol. No!

I have a special pokey stick which is hidden outside behind the bins (so no one flipping touches my special pokey stick) which I use in cases of "extreme turdation".
Barmaid - I saw this the other day. Does this explain the situation?
Could your son have been having a clear out!
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lol Wolf. I suspect so!

I think I have no choice but to go and buy
a) rubber gloves
b) heavy duty plastic sacks to cover the rest of my body
c) a mask with breathing apparatus (OK, perhaps not)
d) a bottle of wine

I can at least get all of the above from the corner shop.

If that doesnt work, I am moving out.
pardon the pun again lol a 'clear out' made myself chuckle then.
Good luck barmaid
Can you not delegate the task to your OH?
Lol jubieanna, the link you posted showed a blocked sewer caused by........
...............Winnie the Pooh. :))
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Oh super idea Wolf. He's not here atm. But if I were to so delegate it would get dealt with in about 2020.
Lol at Togo
OH occasionally does this!
Rubber glove I'm afraid and then a thick black dustbin liner over it and up your arm. Then in you go.
It's disgusting and makes me heave but it does work.
He's doing it but I still do the heaving.
We have called out a plumber with a very long bendy pokey rod to clear blockages, but I find it mortifying that anyone sees my family's extreme turdation.
I have told my son to clear it before but his hands are too big, and so are OH's.
I'd just get on with the thick rubber gloves and bin liner
I have seen the advice to give Barmaid's son the rubber gloves and get him to sort it out. Caution...... I just know, boys being boys, that this would result in calling out the Fire Brigade to free his trapped arm from the U bend.
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*Chortlesplutters*. Togo - do you know my step son?!

And can you imagine me having to explain that one to his mother?!!!!!!

No, I shall DIY. When I have had sufficient alcohol and have bought full body armour.
Haha, I do know boys Barmaid. I have 5 younger brothers and plenty of nephews plus my own son. Their clumsiness and random stupidity is inversely proportionate to their absolute certainty of their own ability and cleverness. Get his mother round to do the deed :))
In my opinion, the first reply you got provided the solution. Our younger son seemed occasionally to cause the same sort of "emergency" (of course not deliberately) for a time in his life, some toilets being more susceptible than others. The solution was always to empty a bucket as sharply into the toilet as possible and that did it on the first attempt in 99% of cases (too slow was the most common reason for failure). It is important to have no more water in the bucket than the toilet will take, band if the amounts match then you can literally tip the bucket upside down in an instant - but make sure you aim for the puddle because otherwise there may be a splash out of the toilet.
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Well "Bog-gate" is resolved.


half a bottle of washing up liquid - squirted down between kettles of hot water and flushing
half a packet of soda crystals - again with kettles of hot water and flushing
much swearing (I am SURE that helped)

Thank you all for your helpful suggestions and funny remarks. Douglas gets BA simply because his turn of phrase is still making me laugh 3 hours later.

Unfortunately, one of the cats now has a serious case of the runs. So it appears that today I am going to be dealing mainly with excretia. Today is Turd Tuesday.

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