Ah ....Some stragglers have arrived :)
Lovely pics
Vinny .We get a local magazine and they have a section called " memory lane " and you get all sorts of old pictures .
They had a bit about the great floods of '53 a while back and lo and behold there was a picture of my eldest brother (as a young man of course ) in a rowing boat on a street somewhere in Cobham ( part of yarmouth ) which is well below sea level rescuing old girls from their houses.
http://www.letstalk24.co.uk/memorylane/The_Way _we_were/default.aspx
There should be some lovely video clips but I can't get them to work .I did watch a lot of the series on TV though .It was called The Way we Were .
Talking of old girls .......? Where's Dimmock of Derby got to ? I'd better put out a Bong Bing alert .