Quizzes & Puzzles0 min ago
Heating Stuck On!
21 Answers
We had two new radiators fitted on Friday. System drained etc etc.when he refilled it he couldn't get heating to stay on. Didn't make sense as it was fine before he arrived. After three hours of draining , filling, air locks etc he finally got it working and all radiators hot. He left and I turned wall thermostat to zero as didn't want heating coming on in morning as wasn't cold. Woke up and house is boiling. All radiators pumping out heat even tho wall thermostat is on zero. Only way to turn heat off onto manually go into timer and switch whole system off. He can't come bk tilll at least Tuesday so does anyone have any idea what's causing this??
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http:// www.eba y.co.uk /itm/HO NEYWELL -CENTRA L-HEATI NG-MID- POSITIO N-DIVER TER-3-P ORT-VAL VE-5-WI RE-22MM -V4073- /122359 245468
In simple terms the valve is electrically connected to the programmer/timer.The programmer will turn the valve via the electric motor so that you get hot water only from your tank or it will divert the valve to control hot water to both rads and hot taps etc. It is possible,if you have this system, that the diverter valve has remained stuck on diverting hot water to rads and hot taps.
If you look at the link there is a grey square cover on top of the brass valve. There is a protruding handle on the other side which you can move manually.Try moving it back and forward and see if it frees the valve.If the motor has burnt out you can buy just the motor unit and replace it via 2 screws without removing all three water connections.
I will lookmfor a better picture showing the manual handle.
If you look at the link there is a grey square cover on top of the brass valve. There is a protruding handle on the other side which you can move manually.Try moving it back and forward and see if it frees the valve.If the motor has burnt out you can buy just the motor unit and replace it via 2 screws without removing all three water connections.
I will lookmfor a better picture showing the manual handle.
http:// www.eba y.co.uk /itm/Ne w-Honey well-V4 073-22m m-3-Por t-Mid-P osition -Valve- Body-On ly-/132 0958044 80
http:// www.eba y.co.uk /itm/AC TUATOR- HEAD-3- PORT-MI D-POSIT ION-REP LACES-H ONEYWEL L-for-M OTORISE D-ZONE- VALVE-A 3-/4011 4705945 3
1st link shows the brass 3 port valve
2nd link shows valve with motorised unit on top
3rd link shows the manual lever at the side running along a groove at bottom.
Of course I could well be barking up the wrong tree as I said earlier I am no plumber but have experienced very similar issues (twice) which concerned the valve shown.
1st link shows the brass 3 port valve
2nd link shows valve with motorised unit on top
3rd link shows the manual lever at the side running along a groove at bottom.
Of course I could well be barking up the wrong tree as I said earlier I am no plumber but have experienced very similar issues (twice) which concerned the valve shown.
http:// www.eba y.co.uk /itm/HO NEYWELL -MID-PO SITION- 3-PORT- VALVE-5 -WIRE-2 2mm-V40 73A-GEN UINE-HO NEYWELL -PART/2 2133503 7407?_t rksid=p 2047675 .c10062 3.m-1&a mp;_trk parms=a id%3D22 20072%2 6algo%3 DSIC.MB E%
3rd link^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
3rd link^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Dinapal's suggestion sounds a very likely solution. The diverter valve points to hot water in its rest position (so the water heats up before the rads come on) and, if it's sticking, it will certainly lead to the situation you're in. Try his suggestion for freeing it but , if it fails, it's an easy matter to change the operating mechanism as he says. I too have had this happen several years ago.
If the electric motor is dud this is the replacement cost.
http:// www.eba y.co.uk /itm/SY NCHRON- MOTOR-U NIVERSA L-SYNCH RONOUS- MOTORIS ED-VALV E-/3320 2519231 9